In Memory of Dr. Stu Donaldson

It is with weighted heart that I share the news that our dear colleague Dr. Stu Donaldson has passed. The most kind-hearted, generous and brilliant of men:  Outstanding researcher, compassionate clinician, and dear friend and mentor to many.  He will be most remembered in our discipline for his ground breaking seminal studies on myofascial pain and now concussion (started by mapping brain injury patterns in Canada’s junior hockey league and found fascinating correlations based on type of positions played, type of body hits, and individual features of anatomical structure -incredible work only partly published). I do trust that others will take up the torch that Stu so brilliantly lit.

Stu will long remain in our hearts for his mentorship and generosity –his feeding the curiosity of young minds entering the field and always finding the time to fuel the ambitions of others. Our heart goes out to his wife Mary, partner in all; life and work.

It was an honor to know this man. We will miss his infectious laughter and that ever present twinkle in his eyes. Cheers Stu! You will be greatly missed!

Dr. Mari Swingle