Monitor two people at one time for a variety of applications such as couples’ alpha synchrony training, competitive peak performance training, energy work, and the healing arts. The Atlantis I system is capable of recording bio-potentials from two individuals. For example, two channels of EEG plus one channel of skin potential/impedance, plus one channel of temperature, could be recorded from each person. Dual Event detection button inputs included. Two relay switches for use with EEG driven electrical devices.

TT ProComp 2 with 360 Suite
The ProComp2 is a compact yet powerful 2-channel biofeedback/neurofeedback system. You can monitor and record simultaneously using the BioGraph Infiniti software.

Bellabee is a low-level PEMF headband that coaxes the brain to match the frequency it produces and works in conjunction with an iOS or Android app.

Mindfield eSense GSR- Out of Stock
A small sensor to measure your skin conductance using the microphone input of your smartphone or tablet (Android or Apple iOS).

Versus Neurofeedback Headset
Versus is a mobile EEG headset that works with the Versus app to enable an accurate, guided brain-sensing experience wherever your clients are. It reads users’ brainwaves (EEG) at 5 sensor sites.
With Versus, your clients can learn about and play games with their brains. Users can enhance their focus or reduce their stress without the need for expensive equipment or lengthy setup.

MindPlace Kasina Mind Media System- Out of Stock
Our most mature product yet, Kasina – This Pali term refers to an ancient system of meditation that uses visual objects to focus the mind. Our MindPlace Kasina can be used in a similar manner to induce positive mood-shifting effects.
Get yourself into a comfortable position, put on your earphones, choose a session, put on the ganzfeld frames – your mind will naturally attune to the same frequency as the session you choose – in the same way that tuning a fork works.

MicroTesla Stim Auditory 4 Coil Package – CHECKED OUT
An extension of BrainMaster’s patented StimFlash technology, and used as an alternative to photic or auditory stimulation, MicroTesla devices provide extremely low levels of magnetic fields useful for neurofeedback and self-regulation.

EZ-AIR LIGHT is an attractive stand-alone light sculpture, which guides you and your clients through resting breathing cycles, by cycling from blue to orange light.

Alpha-Stim Aid Kit- Out of Stock
The Alpha-Stim AID safely and effectively improves mood and sleep, including relieving anxiety, insomnia, and depression. This proven, non-drug medical device. is fast, safe and easy-to-use, with no lasting side effects and no risk of addiction.

NextMind Dev Kit
The Dev Kit includes a NextMind Sensor, headband, and USB-C charging cable. A brain-sensing wearable with an adjustable headband. Real-time BCI algorithms transform neural signals into commands. Unity resources include tutorials, demo apps and examples.

ASUS 17-inch Quad-core
Clinical EEG and neuromodulation computer with Neurofield and IVA (Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance test)

Neurofield Set
Neurofield stimulation helmet, original power magnets, double power magnets, Tesla meter, upgraded charging blocks, caps with velcro, NF units comprising the NF X2000Plus unit ribbon connector

Alpha Synchrony EEG SET
Alpha Synchrony 5 Channel EEG and accessories. It rewards synchronous alpha and there is a 5-channel breadbox on the top of the EEG allowing for individual electrode placement. The unit may be run with 1-5 electrodes.
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