ISNR Student Awards

This year, students have an opportunity for awards whether attending in person or virtually while still promoting student involvement in the field of neurofeedback.  This hybrid conference will pose as a venue for students to present their work in an open and supportive atmosphere. The organization encourages all students at both graduate and undergraduate levels to apply for these awards.

ISNR strives to make an effort to assure students can attend the ISNR conference in person by providing a variety of opportunities.  We have two types of awards:

Academic – for those students actively participating in the conference by submitting a poster or workshop

Financial Aid for Active Participants – for those students who want to volunteer their time in exchange for financial assistance to attend the ISNR conference.  Our goal is to offer financial aid for all conference expenses (registration, flight, hotel, food and beverage).

PLEASE NOTE:  Some student awards require attendance in person to receive the award.


ISNR Student Paper Award

About the Award: This award includes $450 (distributed upon article submission to NeuroRegulation), 2023 ISNR Student Affiliate membership (based on part-time or full-time student status), and is available to 1 student who meet the eligibility qualifications.


  • Must be a part-time or full-time student for 2022
  • Must be a current ISNR Student Affiliate member
  • Must submit an article to NeuroRegulation based on the student presented for this award
  • Must volunteer for a minimum of 3 hours at the ISNR annual conference.  Discretion and time of the volunteer coordinate is required.

ISNR Student Poster Award

About the Award:This award will be distributed as follows: $300 for first place, $200 for second place, $100 for third place. The ISNR Student Poster Award works to increase student membership in the ISNR as well as to encourage and facilitate student participation in the annual conference.


  • Must be a part-time or full-time student for 2022
  • Must be a current ISNR Student Affiliate member
  • Must volunteer for a minimum of 3 hours at the ISNR annual conference.  Discretion and time of the volunteer coordinate is required.

In Memoriam Award

About the Award: This award is in honor of those members and contributors to our field who have passed within the previous year.  As those greats have inspired us, the award will be presented to a student upon recommendation of their professor.  The recipient will receive current year, full conference registration along with workshops, a plaque and recognition during the annual conference, and membership to ISNR for the following year. 


  • Must be a part-time or full-time ISNR student who is enrolled in an accredited graduate clinical mental health program and any programs relevant to neuroregulation (e.g. master or doctorate degree in neuroscience, social work, marriage & family therapy, counseling, psychology)
  • Must submit documentation of student status along with endorsement/recommendation from professional supervisor or professor.
  • Must submit a succinct description of their intended clinical career path and how/why neurofeedback may be a valuable part of that work. Any current or past experiences as examples are encouraged.
  • Attendance at the annual conference is required to receive the award.

International QEEG Certification Board

About the Award:   This award, available to two students, offers a $1,000 (each) USD award for the most outstanding paper, presentation, or poster presented at the ISNR Annual Conference utilizing QEEG in some way.  The goal is to encourage the use of QEEG in scientific research and clinical practice.


  • Must be a part-time or full-time student for 2021 or 2022
  • Must be a current ISNR Student Affiliate member
  • Must volunteer for a minimum of three (3) hours at the ISNR Annual Conference.  Discretion and time of the volunteer coordinate is required.
  • Attendance at the annual conference in required to receive the award.

ISNR Student Advocacy Award

About the Award: (up to 5 awardees per year) The ISNR Student Advocacy Award consists of a $200 travel award (for within USA) or $300 travel award (for outside USA, including Canada) to help cover costs of attending the annual conference. This award has the goal of increasing student interest and knowledge in the field of neurofeedback. The award is for students in any field that may contribute to the application or general knowledge of neurofeedback.

Who is eligible?

Individuals who are currently enrolled as part-time or full-time students – both graduate and undergraduate, international and domestic—may apply.
Maintaining a current ISNR student affiliate membership is not required to submit an essay or to attend the annual conference at the student registration rate.
Attendance at the ISNR annual conference, however, is required in order to receive this award.
Volunteering for a minimum of 4 hours is required at the annual conference. Discretion and time of the volunteer coordinator is required.

How to apply?

Students interested should submit an essay to
The topic of the essay is:
“How might applied theories and methods in neurofeedback influence your research or career goals, and how might participation in the ISNR help you to achieve these goals?”

Whether you are experienced in applied methodologies or not, we encourage you to explore in this essay how applied methods and your participation in ISNR could inspire (or has already inspired or transformed) your research or career as a clinician or scientist. All materials must be received on or before the end of call for papers. Once received, applications will be checked for completeness and organized by the Student Committee Awards Officer. The winner(s) will be announced in a timely manner.

Student Citation Award

About the Award:  The Citation Award will be given to a student that has developed a comprehensive research proposal but has not yet achieved results.  The purchase of this award is to encourage students to share their ideas with others in order to receive feedback from the community.  The citation award also provides academic acknowledgement for the work.  It will not include financial compensation.


ISNR Student Financial Aid to Attend ISNR Conference In-Person

About the Award:  Student must be a current member of ISNR. Financial aid may be offered to students proportional to the amount of time contributed (under supervision) in the following areas:

  • Posting on ISNR social media with a focus on original work, not just reposts
  • Reviewing ISNRU webinars and/or conference recordings
  • Write ups for the ISNR Neuroregulation Guidelines Committee
  • Referral Program
  • Other

ISNR Student Attendance Support for In-Person Only

ISNR Student Attendance Financial Aid Support Award for In Person Only (lottery)

About the Award: (up to 4 awardees per year) The ISNR Student Attendance Support Award consists of a $300 travel award (for within USA) or $400 travel award (for outside USA, including Canada) to help cover costs of attending the annual conference.


  • Must be a part-time or full-time student for 2022
  • Must be a current ISNR Student Affiliate member
  • Award recipients will be chosen by method of lottery drawing.
  • Students must register within 2 weeks of notification or forfeit the award.

For more information, please visit